Wild Seed is an AfroFuturist fashion collection, named after the book by Octavia Butler. The line takes place in an alternate reality where black femininity is widely respected as divine. Aesthetics created by Black women & femmes are pushed into the fantastical realm by merging them with West African masquerade costumes, Oshun imagery, and African American style. Handmade jewelry found objects, and clothing made from 100% upcycled & hand-dyed fabric are the main materials in this collection. Black femininity is the unaccredited force behind all of our culture, joy, and liberation, so the color scheme follows a sunrise/sunset to remind everyone we are the beginning and the end.

Date: 2019

Promotional Photo shot by Derek Blanks


 Documentation of Outfits

Runway Photos

Initial Sketches


Visual Poetry Archive


Beadwork Archive